About Us

BoomersPerch.com (a Oh Yes We Have It! company)  brings in and curates new innovations from pet products to health gadgets for Boomers and beyond, which are inspired and designed by many talented artisans and innovators from our offline and online communities.

Our business started out of Lehi, Utah -- the center of Utah's Silicone Slopes, where farm lands and techie buildings of Adobe, Micron, MX, Ancestry.com, Xactware, Vivint, and the likes are congruent to each other.  Managed by three generations of geeks and techies (a Boomer, a Gen X, and a Gen Z) who lead a real busy lives and making it on their own by utilizing every innovations and technologies that are available out there. So we'd like to share these to all of you and we really appreciate you for coming by to just even take the time to look at our favorite gadgets that we brought in -- signifying that our efforts to share are at least appreciated and not in vain. We hope that our place here is where you want to visit often to find the latest and the coolest must-haves.

And if you've decided to place an order, we are very grateful for that too and assure you that your orders are processed quickly and securely. You can also be sure that your orders are covered by a 60-day replacement warranty and/or 30-day money back guarantee.

We sincerely thank you for stopping by!